

draws dinosaurs and cute girls sometimes

フォロー数:667 フォロワー数:324

I just now realized those are his nails in that clip but throughout most of the show, his finger tips are red.

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Cartoon Gaston had no reason to think Maurice wasn't a danger (setting off explosions in the house) or that the Beast wasn't, ya know, Satan. And live action Gaston was legitimately just a good guy by the era's standards until he turns full heel in the film's 2nd half.

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This reminds me of when they discovered microraptors had wings on their feet after Nintendo made crobat.

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I mean, I see where you're coming from but I'm hardly one to shun behavior because it's primitive. I'll watch a cave man on TV and think "God, I wish that was me."

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Savage Land is a place in the Marvel universe where prehistoric animals roam. I based Charlie's outfit on Rogue's when she and the X-Men stayed down there for a while.

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And without the background.

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