

Professional graphic designer with 5+ years of experience. Tea enthusiast. Gamer. Labyrinth might be my favorite movie. Respect the bulge. I do commissions.

フォロー数:674 フォロワー数:99

Nothing wrong here. It's all fine. It counts when eyes aren't quite there, right? Right? Oh. Ok.

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I've been meaning to work on drawing more, and faster, so I don't end up not finishing things. Been seeing a lot of peeps draw Pokémon lately, so figured I'd give it a shot. About 1½ hours spent here.

So here's Snorlax. Did I do it right?

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I tend to take forever drawing anything, but today this little fella popped into my head. Took about 45 mins from sketch to finished illustration. He grump.

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knocked it out of the park as usual. I finally rolled his favorite shape and.. this.. happened. Yeah. You're welcome. Unintentional egg and bacon breakfast.

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Suddenly, things! is the King of Elaborate Shapes which I was initially considering turning into a laser gun somehow, but then bird happened. A bird with opinions.

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And here's the shape gave me and the result. He graciously permitted me to rotate the shape some. It has been forever since I did any sort of quick drawing, so this was a welcome challenge.

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A look into that growing pile of "drawings I should finish but haven't, because I've been doing design things, and now I don't know where I want to go with it". Quite the catchy title.

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