

Anime/Game Addict Doing a loving act everyday. Gonna help more and smile more.

フォロー数:191 フォロワー数:833

UGH! I am technologically inept! I am tweeting this again since I accidentally deleted my first tweet. I just want is part of the history, so again, so sorry all! Part of my waitlist then I'll open comms for them.

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Sign it? I learned my lesson the last time I signed my name on something!

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Hope you all are doing wonderful. Make sure if your dealing with this heat to stay hydrated and in the shade if possible. This coming from someone thats been working out in the heat lately.

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Still jumpin back and forth between pics, slow process SORRY, but heres a update to one of the gals. Whatchall think?!

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one of the WIP is close to done, same goes for another... gonna give it heck this weekend focusing on coloring so I can give you all something to Enjoy....hopefully 😋

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