

Anime/Game Addict Doing a loving act everyday. Gonna help more and smile more.

フォロー数:191 フォロワー数:833

Hope that is to me, cause I was starting to hear and see "little changes"... She knows what I mean. 😱

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So here is a lovely FFXIV Au Ra gal. Thanks for letting me have some great practice on your character I hope she is everything you wished for. That sash was a job by itself.

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something might be in the works. So maybe...

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So this little lady is almost finished... my good friend, which shall stay nameless for now!, gave me a real workout with this gal. So hope you all enjoy it as much as she has been working with me on this. 🚧Final Progress!🚧

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oh ya, brand new modem from that prehistoric one I had. Oh ya... was 2 models old.

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I believe in you Nighte. You'll be good before you know it and be back bein awesome makin some great art to share.

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It is time... homemade oven baked pizza, Not Store bought slop!! and to top it off ghost pepper wings. So glad I found a place with that stuff.

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Know its just 4 bag spots but seriously I need to get a cellphone just to have it. Authenticator isn't enough... Thank You

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dag nabit, now my doodle high is turning into a doodle buzz... must ... draw... something.

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almost done... all goes well I'll finish the last little bit tomorrow.

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