

2D and 3D Artist: Accidental Lucasfilm Concept Artist: Star Wars / Star Trek / TTRPGs #1 Moroff Fan (He/Him) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇪🇺

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Chatting with my RPG group about our PCs backgrounds, I ended up drawing my character Symus' mother: Solus

Leaving home when Symus was a teenager; she is a rugged hyperlane scout who seeks the thrills of deep space to forge new paths to sell to the highest bidder.

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I remember when I turned Bail Organa's speeder into a hot rod for a TTRPG game, and this stuff is making me want to revisit it but go so much crazier lmao

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Amazing picture of my raider player character "Sawtooth" done by @.Artmonkeymg2 in their great cartoony style

Sawtooth is a hulking mute talking only through vacant stares & the rev of a flaming chainsaw... Best not try to think what kind of monster is under that mask

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Working on the base chassis for a Infernal War Machine, and the footprint alone is immensely terrifying already lol

Planning to mode the mechanical bits in Fusion then sculpt the bodywork in VR to get that techno-organic look

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More work on the Explorer Speeder. Size-wise it's probably closer to a small motorboat than a jeep, but it serves a similar function. A rough & tumble machine for any environment.

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WIP of an off-road Speeder design I'm working on. Designed to carry 5 people + Supplies across rugged and remote terrain. Big, powerful and tough as nails

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(late) 29. Orderly

Rattling and hissing with steam, this ancient droid serves as shopkeeper of the local antiquities shop in the outpost. The real owner is rarely ever seen & likes to remain in secrecy, letting their droid do all of the talking

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(late) 27. Sympathetic

An ageing astromech that's pulled itself out of the scrap-heap more times than one can count, this resiliant little stray droid tootles about the outpost doing odd-jobs in exchange for repairs or maintanence

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(late) 25. Sore Loser

One of many Elom labourers on the outpost due to it's proximity to their planet, this particular miner has a love of card games but lacks the temperment to lose gracefully... They're infamous for holding grudges for up to months at a time

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