

An evil story artist and illustrator. Contact: [email protected] or DM me. Board artist and asset lead at @Flashgitzanims .

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Neo Metal Sonic from last night's stream - It was a lot of fun! Maybe I'll make streams a weekly thing.

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Bimbos Bizarre Adventure

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He's got a giant revolver that protrudes from his torso

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My girlfriend commissioned to draw da Frogg as an early Valentines gift. This looks awesome! Thanks!

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Tony Tony Chopper - A reindeer drawing for Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas everyone!

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Birthday Sonic art - mine, not his

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Did some painting after the Sonic 2 trailer. I love how Shadow turned out. The others look a little too Ken Penders-y but I’ll share them anyways.

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Who need they orb pondered?

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