Corgiani @ Extreme Professionalism 🏳️‍⚧️さんのプロフィール画像

Corgiani @ Extreme Professionalism 🏳️‍⚧️さんのイラストまとめ

Mechanical Engineer 🐶 Production 🐶 Artist/Animator/G. Designer

フォロー数:804 フォロワー数:2393

I've been moody lately, so I made some art for the moodiness. Moody art for moody dudes. I called it "Hanging on" 🧤

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Starting the stream early today! We've had to take a quick pit stop on the Dabuz Stream Alerts for a project for that we're finishing between today and tomorrow. I'm going to be working nonstop to make this happen.

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I just got the news!!

I got approved as an Pokémon Organizer! Which is wonderful since SFL is filled with venues available for more PCs!

On March 6th, I'll apply be able to become a VG judge.

This is my journey to become the Grand Oak! 😎

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Super excited for today's MSS with , , and !

I really don't care about my placing as much as my team shining. I have poured so much time and energy into making this team as good as it can be.

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How the FUCK am I going to have time to enjoy Animal Crossing New Horizons AND Mystery Dungeon DX in the same MONTH. 😭

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So I'm pretty sure many Smash players have never seen Mai Shirunai.

So let me introduce you to the ESRB threat of SNK legend, that is so influential Dead or Alive picked her up in DoA5. (1/however many)

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Daily 10 Minute Merkava 6

Merkava lays on the couch watching play Animal Crossing as a way to pass the time until he has to go into work.

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Yamper is cute but is Yamper enough to fill the Kotora/Raitora shaped hole that will always be in my heart?

We will find out.

(Art by: )

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