

|23| |Aspiring artist| |Waiting for Banjo-Threeie|
|#1 Favourite Pokemon: Delphox|
|Discord: CorporalSpiro#8525|

フォロー数:219 フォロワー数:406

And finished, gotta say, I'm real proud of this, I expected it to come out worse ^^.

15 50

Meowscarada has been growing on me, so thought id draw the cat.

10 24

Practiced using Clip studio again by drawing Fennekin on a stump, its....OK, not my proudest work but it's there I guess.

16 47

I want to be comic book artist one day, so I draw alot in my sketch book, and currently getting into digital art.

1 2

Finally got into doing Digital art, got myself a little familiar with Clip Studio Paint and did something basic, it's alright for what it is, but I just started so I can't be too harsh on myself.

14 44