

love anime, play smash, becoming an artist, and skits 🥳 | @Lights0utPod | | biz: [email protected]

フォロー数:734 フォロワー数:96155

Woke up at 5:30am, to get into an uber to go to the airport to go to Cali for Kongo Saga

Only the realize my flight is actually tomorrow and not today after getting to the airport

I have reached the epitome of idiocy it almost surprises me how stupid I can be

33 1160

Cut most of the color out of my hair so my hair is pretty short now

Gonna take a while to regrow it again, and I'm not sure what color I wanna dye it

1 175

Hey friends, Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all eat lots of good food, and spend time with those close to you!

And if you can't, I hope you just have a good day in general

Love you all 💜

59 943

Streaming until 2B is in smash
not really but we'll see

4 114

Smash twitter drama talk while on elite smash

3 94

lemme see you laugh like that again

9 527

I appreciate all of the words and advice!

I respect you and your artwork a lot, so it really means a lot, seriously

I will work hard on art and do my best!

0 5