

Hey, I'm Destiny. I like just like all the pretty bois okay? || 21+ | MOD for @Very_Merri & New Winds RP||

フォロー数:861 フォロワー数:295

so i found out that i had all of Sims 2, like all the DLCs. I guess they gave it free a few years ago- CAN'T SAY NO TO FREE! too bad its no Sims 4, cuz my friend has been playing it and it put me in that rare sims mood

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I got my hands on Khro's old Qrow avatar. its like the nicest Qrow avatar out there. Trying to update this thing from SDK2 to SDK3 is confusing me. I don't know how with keeping the OG animations on this thing. I DON'T WANNA REDO THEM. I SCREAM I AM VERY CONFUSED

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I wanted to recreate a model someone made in VRChat cuz well the update killed it and yeah… friend gave me the stuff and MORE . Yaaaas new cute Hu Tao model with a lots of cute outfits with no little to no edits!!

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When you fix a sleep schedule just to wreck it the very next week- but gonna try and stay up today to nip that in the butt… suffering with BF to fix it

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Finally home, My grandma is healthy and she's fine for someone her age. Time to spend what's left of my Valentine's with my darling... though now he need to to deal with a very stressed out gremlin. just happy to be home and have food in my tummy now

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Today is gonna be a real write off day… trying to stay up with Khro to fix our sleep schedule. It’s gonna be pain… but we really need to fix it… had a good small nap with him this morning… that was nice.

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My step dad comes in and see me watching the new season of Aggretsuko, and he went “you still watching that Teenage shit? Those cartoons” ah yes. Cartoon that talks about how being an adult sucks with shitty work places. Yup. Totes meant for teenagers. Red necks I swear sometimes

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looks like i probs won't be back in VR in January. that sucks. even if i'm don't go for an index, things changed and i probs won't have money by then. guess i'll keep saving what i can, gonna be harder with a puppy to look after- hope the Decagear will be amazing as it sounds

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Reasons I didn’t want to stay home. My brothers just do not get the hint that I wish to be left alone to play xiv. They keep coming into the office asks me stuff telling me about tht cats. Leave me be

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there is no hoot in that clip

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