

Character designer @ Boulder Media | Dog Ears | Cartoon Saloon | Hanna-Barbera

Likes video games, cartoons and cartoony video games, very unique qualities.

フォロー数:552 フォロワー数:1419



Was not in the mood to loose a kettle today.

1 12

"Give a star of happiness to the heart of everyone!"

0 2

Man, I never liked Gengar as a kid, was always a Haunter kinda guy. Feel differently now.

1 20

Holy SHIT, look at him, he is really dumb, like, god damn, there is NOTHING going on in there, for the love of god, keep him away from scissors, PLEASE.

5 26

Oh crap, err, twitter is dying just as I'm leaving for work?

Alrighty then let's make a new insta account real quick
Aaaand a new tumblr too

Also, anyone who wants to keep in touch, let me know!

0 7

Quick Gammamon.

6 26