

I am Countsaberwolf a phantasmal dire wolf wandering the realm streaming rpg and retro games on twitch.

フォロー数:374 フォロワー数:205

I'm at that point in life I'm tired of feeling lonely but I'm also tired of rejection so I'll wait for someone to have interest in me at this point. I just don't have it in me to get my hopes up anymore on me having interest first and that same interest reciprocated back.

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Jokes on you I'd keep money on me on purpose to make sure you treat yourself with it because you deserve nice things Vio

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Just gotta love eating at work when you feel a slight crunch only to find out the crown to your tooth came off 🙃 guess who's going back to the dentist

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Thank you brookelle ❤️ I guess whatever I ate yesterday my stomach really wasn't a fan 😅 throat is still sore but I'm feeling a bit better now :)

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Very slow day at work and wishing for someone to distract me from reality

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Get a white board and some sharpies then make a check list 👀
Wake up check
Eat check
Wake and back check
Stream check
Errands check
Extra mipha pets check

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You forgot to mention and both are equally as fabulous

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Happy Wednesday everyone ✌️ taking the bus to work today so this should be fun 👀

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