

Lead 2D artist of Indie-games:
Aces & Adventures and Popup Dungeon
Mother, Wife, and introverted lover of nature, history, and crafts


フォロー数:761 フォロワー数:458

Internet is back we're live again! Here's what we have so far, gonna keep it going!

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An ability card image for Leila the Enchantress in our game Aces and Adventures. This one is called Ascendance! Her bracelets are breaking giving her a power boost! Look at all that hair!

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Brass Bracelets equipment art for Leila the enchantress

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New ability image for Leila the enchantress. Curse seeker!

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She suffers from "outside-the-frame-blobification"

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Might have thought she was nice, but oops Dormant Curse

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What's better than friendship! Especially when you have so much in common! This is Clone, ability card art for Leila the Enchantress.

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a heartfelt kiss from the enchantress! This is the artwork for Leila's ability "Charm" uses heart cards as a catalyst.

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Some ability images for Leila the enchantress. Mistress of Hearts and Shimmer. cards that uses the suits of the cards to different effects.

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been gone awhile doing vacation, nursing child with stomach bug, working (of course) and gardening and have completely neglected social media. I'm remedying that now by coming back. I'll be posting the art I've made starting with these items and abilities

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