

Lead 2D artist of Indie-games:
Aces & Adventures and Popup Dungeon
Mother, Wife, and introverted lover of nature, history, and crafts


フォロー数:761 フォロワー数:458

A stomping chomping Dracosaurus can really wreck a dungeon crawl.

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There's a fine line between eccentric chemist and mad scientist. Julia crossed it last Tuesday.

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Nothing's worse than being trapped in narrow dungeon corridors with a bat swarm.

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Her temper's not as long as her tail, she's equipped to whip from the hip.

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Slinging more curses than a boat-full of surly sailors, a Witch is not an opponent to let fester.

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A dark shape skitters through the ducks of the spaceship tile-set. It's the sihouette of the Alien!

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Beware the Specter who floats eerily through the halls of Popup Dungeon.

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Roaaaaaaar!!!! It's a Manticore!!!

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General Swine will take command of other enemies in Popup Dungeon.

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Popup Dungeon Gnolls usually travel in packs. The females are twice as burly!

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