

Lead 2D artist of Indie-games:
Aces & Adventures and Popup Dungeon
Mother, Wife, and introverted lover of nature, history, and crafts


フォロー数:760 フォロワー数:457

yesterday's extra long stream was so much fun! got raided twice and met new folks, finished this card art, and Twitch told me I'm almost an affiliate :D

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Gonna finally return to streaming after a week off to look after my sick little one (and school holiday)
8:30am-2pm CST.

Gonna work and then do some artist playtime maybe mess with animation.

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finally getting back to this boy

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I love sharing tips on digital art whenever I stream
And would love to chat on my artist connection discord
But for now enjoy this quick tip:

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Yesterday I could only finish this slime skull, today I aim to finish a hat, boots, and adder stone.

(so much for being finished with all the items in the game, we missed a lot😛)

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Hope you don't mind but I took lots of inspiration from your work to make our latest item

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