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“Heaven and Hell view us as bondservants, existing only to feed their corrupt greed. But our true essence is rebellion."
The Pillars of Rebellion fine art print is available now!
#CourtoftheDead #FineArt #artprint #sideshowcollectibles
COTD was featured in Fueled by Death #97! 💀☠️ Check it out, here:
https://t.co/anRHEUIvu6 #Sideshow #courtofthedead #fueledbydeath #deathwishcoffee #darkfantasy #comicbooks
Check out this #behindthescenes look at the artwork from Heavy Metal Magazine Issue #278 -- a story that takes a look at Shard's background and entry into the Underworld. https://t.co/4T1d4otxiC
#courtofthedead #sideshowcollectibles #heavymetalmagazine #fiction #comicbooks #art
The Spiritborn are fashioned from pure spirit, crafted by the hands of the Alltaker. As much as you are fascinated by them, they are fascinated by you, and your Mortal lives.
#CourtoftheDead #underworld #darkarts #geeklifestyle #statuecollectors #fiction #sculpture #horrorfiction
Join the RSVP list now, to be the first to hear about updates for Odium: Reincarnated Rage Maquette! https://t.co/k78CVdYWPb
#CourtoftheDead #sideshowcollectibles #statuecollectors #toycollectors #comicbooks
"The lowest of the low, Malavestros skulks around the Court listening, watching and always, always talking." Find out more about Malavestros in his character profile: https://t.co/uoxh8T3afa
#courtofthedead #sideshowcollectibles #comicbooks #comiccollectors #statuecollectors
The journey to Heaven or Hell is neither reward or punishment. Celestials do not care for your soul; they care only for it's energy. And you, poor mortals, are nothing but a vessel to them.
#art #underworld #mixedmedia #comicart #collecting #horrorcomics #geeksideshow #books
As beautiful as she is merciless, Gallevarbe is a savage hunter of wayward souls. You’ll have plenty of time to contemplate the horror of being her quarry as you piece together the Court of the Dead: Death’s Siren 1,000 Piece Premium Puzzle:
#puzzles #art
And so Death began to conceal as much etherea as he could, allowing it to thrive and grow, to transform the Underworld into a place of possibility. A place where freedom could be dreamt of.
#horror #horrorcomics #modernart #collecting #statues #mixedmedia #comicart #underworld
The more time he spent in the Mortal Realm, the more fascinated by humanity Death became. Soon, he realized: in the human soul, etherea could find peace and balance.
#geeklifestyle #mixedmedia #sculpture #booksbooksbooks #fineart #SideshowCollectibles #darkarts #illustration