

||photographer in @CPRewritten|| ||Artist|| ||OG player||
I have played over 11 CPPS. 🇪🇸🇺🇸

フォロー数:184 フォロワー数:491

Today was a great day at . It's always great to visit new rooms and take photos. Thank you all for participating! There are still many adventures left in !
PS: The rest of the photos are in the comments. 😃🎮🎂🪙

1 23

Without a doubt this is the best gang I have ever done! Thank you all for participating, I must say that it was not easy to gather those Samus XD
PS: Apparently my style is unique.

0 19

I'm a published penguin !! You can see my poem in newspaper📰 !!
Thank you very much 😃

7 76

Today I was lucky and ran into Dora the explorer and her cousin Diego!🙈
That if Boots was missing
Dora is:
Diego is: diego817

0 10

Today's party was the best! You won't believe it but it was one of the shortest I've ever done😂.
Congratulations on the POTW🌈 I hope to be too.

0 24

This is another display of the creativity of the penguins
Without a doubt, this igloo is a masterpiece. Great job friend !!🤖
Photo courtesy of:
Igloo courtesy of: leptospirose

1 33

Thank you all for attending today's party !! It was a pleasure having you in my igloo.
Many more will come.😊

1 20

Today I organized the biggest party of all to celebrate that our friend is POTW.
Thank you all for coming.

1 23

We recreate the play of The Night of the Living Sleigh!
Cast: asapallen thub101 Yadi246.
Special Thanks: The Tree.

0 15

Celebrating .
Thanks to all the penguins who made this event possible.😃

1 27