

Mind your own damn business • We huddle together & tweet for courage in the dark • Those who know don’t tweet; Those who tweet don’t know • Live & let live.

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On the “suckers” & “losers”:
“I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

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I know predators, and we have a predator living in the White House. The thing you must importantly know, predators are cowards.
~ Kamala Harris

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It’s a pivotal day in the history of the republic. Soon, we will find out if breaking the law is illegal.
~ Stephen Colbert

20 44

“The time to stop mocking tyrants is never.”

20 53

“It did take him 35 days, but he was finally able to get no wall.”

5 32

If you pluck the chicken one feather at a time, then peo­ple won’t no­tice.
~ Mus­solini

15 28

Some people say funny things, but I say things funny.
~ Don Rickles R.I.P.

204 573

There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.
~ K Vonnegut

22 44

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3 14