

(Male pronouns) Howdy Folks I'm CrashZone194, I'm an Amature PNGTuber, Gameing Lunitic and a friendly Chap.

PFP: SilverSarcasmic
Banner: @DragoonWildstar

フォロー数:1021 フォロワー数:464

I shall accecpt this offer, here ya go and thanks for the oppratunity.

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I'd like to see a redesign of this guy if that is okay. 🙂

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Thank you for the opportunity and good luck to everybody who enters.

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Those being (from left to right)
Agent Indiana, my Chupadore,

Okami Crash, my Okami Wolf OC

And Click, my wonderful protogen boi

As you guys can imagine I am a bit paralyzed with choice. (4/?)

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You know what? With all the negitivity goi g on I feel like we need something cute to distract ourselves from all the bad. So, have a cute guys.

Art by

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Thanks for the oppratunity and good luck to everyone who enters.

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