

Me gusta dibujar y pintar.

フォロー数:375 フォロワー数:229

si la puedes hacer por favor, o ya es muy tarde???

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and to give you an idea of ​​the size, check this out

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oh sino, sera que le puedes poner esta otra ropa a ella por favor???

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y que tal si haces modelos de la diosa Quetzalcoatl de fate/babilonia? o a la versión mujer de Godzilla? de seguro te quedaran muy bien, ya que te quedan geniales :3

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a drawing I made for my friend from his OC
since it's his birthday.

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others that I also colored

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Some drawings that I painted to make them look better a long time ago, well I did the best I could, thanks to painting these drawings I had more practice when it came to coloring other drawings
ps: the author is Patanu

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que tal a la diosa quetzalcoatl del anime de fate/ babilonia? se vería genial :3

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