

24 | Graphics Team for SG | Occasionally I post art, mostly I just browse on here. | 🏳️‍🌈

フォロー数:455 フォロワー数:135

Okay so I saw that tweet about Nero adopting the Felyne in Teppen after its village was destroyed. But nobody thought to tell me that they made TONS of art where Nero and his little cat buddy are going on world-travelling monster slaying adventures together in the Nico van??

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For favorite characters, I got:
Marvel vs Capcom
The Donkey Kong Country Cartoon

Reply and I'll give you 4 series to pick your favorite characters from.

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If we, by some unfortunate stroke of luck in a universe where God doesn’t love us, somehow got another Fire Emblem character, I think Anna would be a good bet. She’s pretty representative of the series overall (and she’s cute). I’m just going with Heroes for relevance + cool axe.

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You guys don’t even need me to write anything down you already know who it is.

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Serperior is my favorite Pokémon, and comes from a gen which I consider to be the best generation of Pokémon, which is currently unrepresented by any fighter. It’s also a badass snake with plant manipulation powers which is extremely unique compared to anything we have now.

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Impa could be cool, but most of her potential kit was shafted onto Shiek already so oops. I can’t see any of the one-off cast making it in, but Midna stands out the most. In terms of personal bias though, I’d go with my favorite Zelda incarnation: Tetra. Because pirates are based

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Smash 4 render poses vs Smash Ultimate render poses

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