

Just a game dev trying to make it in the world.
Anyone else tired of AAA shovelware?

フォロー数:3018 フォロワー数:2801

The Crimson stripe charity collection is on OS now! Floor price is .02 ETH on Polygon. 100% of sales is going to support my father's medical treatment.

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Sleepyheads were created by a 14 year old who wants to bring his art to the world! Our first collection will be your key to future collections and an amazing community

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I want to thank for helping the LAYC grow and flourish while supporting its members!
To continue supporting the and as a whole he gave out a bunch of NFTs from his own wallet. Below is the one I received.
Thank you for your support! ♥️♥️

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Sleepyheads were created by a 13 year old who wants to bring his art to the world! Our first collection will be your key to future collections and an amazing community

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Check out this great piece on Opensea! Only .002 ETH.

0 1

Our next Collab has just made it's way to the blockchain! This piece came out wonderfully and I want to thank for the idea and for greenlighting the art
If you don't have a cowtown I suggest checking out her page and getting yourself one

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The Crimson stripe charity collection is on OS now! Floor price is .02 ETH on Polygon. 100% of sales is going to support my father's medical treatment.

11 19