

just a trash wizard who likes to draw, play D&D, and watch bad movies. I do commissions now. (Sometimes)
(Just ask if interested.)

フォロー数:154 フォロワー数:33

Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the starry skies!
That game has a lot of party/outfit customization. (Which I love!) I had a couple friends who also loved DQ9 back in high school, so I had extra fun teaming up with them.
(There was an excellent co-op feature)

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I was inspired by Luke's doodles from the recent Show of the Weekend.
I may have took some liberties with some of the designs, just to help convey thier abilities a bit more.

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Here's a 1st draft for the design of my D&D character that I'm playing as at my new D&D group.
I have played as her before, but that was a long time ago.
I might make character art for the other players, if they want me to.

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In excitement for the new Tomb Raider movie, I had drawn this a couple months back.
I'm not super happy with it, I will try to redraw a better one later.

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My mind works in weird ways...
Inspired by the new Lara Croft Barbie, I had this idea of Barbie joining Lara on a tomb raising mission.
I tried to make it look like it took place in the Barbie universe.

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Here's the colored version of Mota's concept art.

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My 1st attempt at emulating Them's Fightin' Herds portrait art.
I love sketchy art like this.
Here's Trax jumping in the fight with a shaky confidence.

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ENewprofile pic
I was really happy with how this turned out, I'm making it my profile pic.

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Going to use this for a while

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I got bored, and decided to make a little doodle.

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