Crispy Parsnipsさんのプロフィール画像

Crispy Parsnipsさんのイラストまとめ

Commissions Open! | The infimum of many evils. A barbigerous illustrator, programmer, mathematician, tat-peddler and rambler. Hopes he can help you smile more.…

フォロー数:28 フォロワー数:931

Schoenum! Remember kids, if you're going to spec into the 'melty deacon' build, make sure you're not planning to lose a lot of weight in the near future.

0 3

| October & Co. 63 - Manual | - At least Tori tries, you know. You've got to hand it to h- wait, no...

4 6

Cereus! The wax-bringer who has yet to be given any bee-keeping or wax-collecting equipment.

1 5

Now it's Malvoxio's turn. Please join in with him, it's hard to harmonise on your own.

2 8

| October & Co. 62 - 99.9% | - It's a good system, except for that one time when they encountered a macerator.

4 11

Hey, did you know I made a video redesigning the Deacons of the Deep? And that it's very silly? Here's the first 'friend', Dominicus. He's a schemer.

4 13

| October & Co. 60 - Listen | - Legally I need to say that any resemblance to real people or events is entirely coincidental. But this did happen to me.

3 12

| October & Co. 59 - Prerequisite | - "We had a poster about it but it just, sort of, stopped wanting to exist? We can't fix the hole it left either."

4 10

| October & Co. 58 - Permanence | - "I've been mixing people up since before your species was even born!"

2 9

So my friend's on a crusade to fill the surprisingly large void of 'Agent 47 in Dresses' fanart, and I thought I'd chip in with some FF8 sorceress action and, uh... Turns out those dresses are revealing, huh? 😅

2 8