Crispy Parsnipsさんのプロフィール画像

Crispy Parsnipsさんのイラストまとめ

Commissions Open! | The infimum of many evils. A barbigerous illustrator, programmer, mathematician, tat-peddler and rambler. Hopes he can help you smile more.…

フォロー数:28 フォロワー数:931

Claudio thought he looked cool until Quinn started calling him 'Poppet'.

4 12

Don't mind Eury, she's just admiring the wrappings Griff used in his costume. He found the original loom, you know?

2 11

Of course Griff managed to track down the exact loom that wove the lapel fabric for the original costume and he *will* tell you all about it.

6 13

Tori wondered at what point minotaurs suddenly needed weapons to seem threatening, but was at least glad that they were given clothes now.

3 13

It was only after the party that Luna discovered how hard it is to clean raspberry jam out of fur.

5 12

| October & Co. 50 - Welfare | - Always ask for permission before testing staff welfare.

6 17

| October & Co. 49 - Impact | - The basement only survived because of all of the vibe-proofing.

4 8

| October & Co. 48 - Adversarial | - Conflict is the mother of invention. The father is serendipity. It was an accident.

6 18

| October & Co. 46 - Vibrations | - I can't hear myself think! Cheers!

6 15