Bear Pettigrew - Illustrator 🐀さんのプロフィール画像

Bear Pettigrew - Illustrator 🐀さんのイラストまとめ

Artist of characters you shouldn’t like, but worryingly do. I’d also like a nap. They/them. Lvl 30. Commissions: closed

フォロー数:850 フォロワー数:970

I have another poll with even more options including totes bags, note pads and washi tape. Your voting really does help me get ready for October, so thank you!

(Public vote, you don’t have to be a patron supporter to vote on this one.)

3 13

I haven’t lost a single follower despite my retweeting.
In fact they’ve retweeted with me.
U build the community u want.
It’s about quality, not quantity.
Do u really want to keep the followers u’d lose if u empowered a human right?
Be punk, be loud & cut the dead weight.

9 40

Thank you! 😆
I love drawing Anastasia 😃

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… Cooperation 😏, might be the word your looking for 😂.
And it certainly works 😈.

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The big falling out already happened, cause Theo was aware of the affection & wished 2 extinguish it, since he’s emotionally constipated😃. Feels r mixed about his perceived success in this.
Little fallings continue 2 occur on a 12 hour rotation
On the up side u r best friends😅

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Then congratulations, you are now Theo.
There are many benefits to this, including the fact that Miles likes you, but the major disadvantage is that you do not know or shun, all of this.

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Today didn’t end on a hopeful note.
I’m tired of the futility of trying. I wish something would change. I wonder if I’d b happier if I just didn’t. So many pointless details in projects no one will look at or read & may never see completion.
I’d really like not to care about now.

2 32

You should follow this writer of strange shifters and gay snogging 👍.

2 10

Today I’m resting because I’m excessively tired.
Every hour or so I think I’m better, till along comes a mild inconvenience and I find myself unjustly devoid of the option to tear someones heart out their arsehole.
Such desires might go a long way to suggest I’m not yet ‘better’.

2 23

I want to be unconscious.
Thank you for asking.

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