

Freelance artist | 25y | Sculpture and Photographer | Stop-motion animator |

Banner by @PokeChefNick…

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:100

>lost their friends
>became a dictator with an iron fist
>took away their subjects' special talents


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Finally got Xinyan. I'm Happy!

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Do you sometimes have sudden moments when you feel nostalgic about things from the past? I'm sure having now.

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>has 80 wish guarantee
>presses Wish
>hopes for a 5 star character
>get 5 star claymore

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I don't really have that much characters that I hate, but I think these are the closest

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Best memory, huh? Pretty much everytime I received feedback from the fanwork that I made and the interactions that I had with other bronies.

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