

フォロー数:602 フォロワー数:990

plɹoʍ ʎɯ noʎ ǝʌıƃ llıʍ I puɐ 'noʎ ʎǝqo ǝɯ ǝʞɐW

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"Yeah? I... don't know.. I think I'm fine...
Ah~ or am I just tired?"

She came close to his face and pressed her forehead to him

"Can you feel it?"

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"I'm not your wife... ...But to think that you were indeed the last man I married... So am I still your wife?"

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"I'm here sometimes... lurking around... ~ I think today is a good day for me to greet you"

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"N-no... Of course not! My prince!"

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She reached out her hand and cupped his cheek

"Are you cold~?"

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Well... Yeah ~ I just miss some people here...

You... Maybe?

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She reached out her left hand to his head and patted him, however she immediately chuckled

"Aaahahahahah~ You actually look taller than me, woaah... I'm envious... or is it because you have long legs?"

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