

I don't know what I'm doing. He/Him. Gay. Doctor Who fan.

フォロー数:262 フォロワー数:115

(Naruto 115)


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Obviously to get her Lidl Sneakers.

Aranea with the Lidl sneaks

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"nEpEtA sAiD iT wAs My TuRn On ThE XbOx :O("

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(Naruto 039)

Orochimaru is the Hisoka of this series apparently. That tounge. *shivers*

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Why don't we get fanart of this dude, His Honorable Tyranny? His design is amazing and he has BLACK BLOOD apparently. He is also mentioned and depicted in Terezi's court setup too.

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Anyone Remem8er These Skittles?

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Sad Kanaya Jorts Moment

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>Homestuck^2, Gore//

Wow Alt Calliope didnt wash her hands after eating (her brother)? She's gonna get Corona.

Not cool

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(Naruto 012)//

I think this pretty much confirms it, Naruto is bisexual and nothing you say can deny it now. Also, rocking that outfit Haku.

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No idea where these are from but this needed to be shared.

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