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Alan Davis. Mark Farmer. Glynis Oliver.
Possibly my favorite art team in the history of comics.
I liked X-Corp more than anyone else I've seen, but I think it spent too much time on the "X" and not enough time on the "Corp."
I think it needed EVEN MORE of the satirical corporate boardroom nonsense. Go full "The Office / Office Space" with a dash of "Veep."
A fantastic sequence from Darcie Little Badger, Kyle Charles, & Felipe Sobreiro in Marvel's Indigenous Voices one-shot.
I *LOVED* Champions #7!
Danny Lore strikes the perfect balance of the voices of the core 5 chars without them pulling focus from each other, which makes it easy to add other faces to the mix without it turning into a mess. Vecchio's big rubbery pencils are like a YA Tradd Moore.
Someone "bought" an NFT of this Deodato/Martin 1:25 variant cover from Uncanny Avengers (2015) #3.
The original art was physical. I found two decent resolution versions of it in one minute of searching. You can also buy a mint copy of the actual issue for under $10.
Why NFT it?
@david_baldeon We loved this issue!
Can you give some more insight into how you and Israel Silva achieve Northstar's various super-speed effects? Are all of those wave-lines in your pencil work, or does that come afterward?
In keeping with the theme of the novel, this scene feels like it could be happening right now in 2020 rather than during World War 2.
I've caught up with the X-books, and I'm pleasantly surprised to find that they are TOTALLY AWESOME, except for X-Men itself.
The whole line is singing in a way it hasn't in a LONG while. If I've got to read a Hickman issue a month to make sense of it, fine.
X is back. y'all.
Hello, I just spent a week (and SO MANY hours) tweeting my top 125 comics of 2019 in a single thread(!) and I read about 60% of all American digital same-day-release comics in 2019.
(Including about series both on and off the countdown!)