Koma's Arknights twitter, where I can share my brainrot for my Doctor OC and fankid!

フォロー数:140 フォロワー数:75

My doctor OC Crux! He’s based off the African Jackal, and ends up infected after the Chernobog incident. He’s got a lot to answer for from his forgotten time in Babel, but he’s doing the best he can now as a therapist to help those around him move forward

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This was a piece that another homie, did of Crux, her Doctor Halcyon, and our other homie 's Doctor Sunless! This was based off of a fic that I wrote of the 3 of them getting drunk and having fun/throwing shade at W with karaoke, and she did so good on it!

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The first comm I got of my boy Crux by , living his best life with his best cat. When I got into Arknights my homie said "Oh yeah you'll probably like Blaze" and from the moment she dropped down from the helicopter I was DONEZO absolute love for her ever since

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