

안녕 X친님들, Hi! I'm Sean😎
🔸{FUCK} crypto!
🔸,and I fuck what I {LOVE}

フォロー数:578 フォロワー数:542

🗡️ Arm_Your_SENSHIs 🗡️
's artwork is based on cyberpunk.
I think there should be something like futuristic version of 'drone'. We can use FPV for wearable or drone controller. it'd be cool if we can put some holographic drone controller.
Discord: Du_bu#6652

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Great Community. Im down with it🔥🔥

우 끼

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미상형이 더빙하래서 왔는데 랩도 하고 비트박스도 하고 중도있어 근데 마미손도 있네, 난 안되겠다...

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