

may your soul be overgrown with moss. may your veins fill with rainwater and your lungs swell with flowers.

フォロー数:913 フォロワー数:139
# oc

cypress my beloved

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pov: cryptid goes on a 3 day hiatus and has returned with a new oc (and storyline for said oc) an animation idea (even though it knows nothing about animation) and a fuck ton of stuff going on in her life (none of it good lol)

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it’s spooky time >:D

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cryptid actually posting art????? anyways here’s a drawing of a friend i did for her birthday

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wip that i’ll probably never finish

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hii i’m cryptid :D i draw block men and occasionally my ocs :]

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yooo more old art bc i’ve been rly busy latelyyyy ayyy

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