

#CryptoKitties 🥚 😺 ALL THE $ZEN 🧘‍♀️

Magic Money 💰 N3PRNH…

フォロー数:4276 フォロワー数:1628

I am Felis, the brightest Kitty of the universe. I come to immortalize our species of domestic crypto cats in the stars. If you also have desires for an immortal existence, you can be my eternal pet.😺

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Greetings, traveler.😺 My name is Gwendolion the Champion. Do I look like a damsel in distress to you? No way, this Kitty's got claws. Are you my new squire? Hmmm. A little scrawny, but we’ll whip you into shape in no time.  

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Have a seat, human, and let me tell you about the Cosmos, for I am Cosmocat, father of intercatalactic travel. A spoon destroyed our ship and right when we were about to run out of sweets, friendly cats saved the day.

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Hiya, my name is Kit Goosebun, but you may address me as supreme cat overlord. I am just dying to meet Puss in Boots. Vote for me in your next local election! *wink* 🎮🧬

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I'm here, I'm bad at rhymes, I'm Kitty Pride! Be proud, be vivid, and be yourself. I could tone it down, but then I'd be lion to myself. Of course, not everyone can afford to be as colourful as I am. 🎮🧬 🕹

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Ooope. I am Yaoongi Bopbear. I'm glad you've come. My best dress-up costume ever was when I impersonated Leela. Fancy Cats are cool, but I'm more interested in breeding for love.😻 🎮🧬 🕹

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Check it. I'm Krishna Fancybear, and I'm as cute as it gets. Just ask my mom! Color me orange, I'm thrilled to be in your life! Let's go invest in a condo together.😺 🎮🧬 🕹

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Yo! Call me Sugar Mugdork.😺 Don't call me Sal. Me and Rose McGowan don't talk anymore. I was the runt of the litter, but trust me, I'm thriving. 🎮🧬 🕹

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How you doin, I'm Verdigris.😺 No, it's not pronounced Verdigris, it's pronounced Verdigris. My parents fed me peanut butter when I was a kid and I refuse to eat it now. Goodnight. 🎮🧬 🕹

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This cute kitty, contains scorpius,, one of the four traits needed to breed the latest fancy cat, skeletonne, on . 🎮🧬  The other three traits being, dreamboat, sphynx and satiated.  This cat is breadable until the end of halloween.🎃
😺 🙀

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