


フォロー数:8 フォロワー数:2332

When is the next “WTF, all of my listed were sold while I was sleeping” moment?

10 27

The first 5 people join the discord through the link below will receive the following
Please let me know in the discord.(Those already in are not qualified)

Invite link:

5 25

It is been a long time since I wanted an ape mouth. If the pullback is over, maybe the first to shoot. He says: “moooooooooon” and I agree.

4 22

Are you the one that went into the discord to the other day and asked about wallet? You may want to take a look at

6 26

🚨 🚨

My mutant is looking to be adopted. Let’s increase the size of the raft!

Like, retweet, follow me, .

2 winners will be drawn in 48 hours. Good luck!

94 155

What a beauty! is an OG status symbol for us the early community members, there is still a long way to go for the project and I am glad to be part of the journey. 🦦🚀🌖

11 33

Can you guys tell me I had one of the best fusion ideas out there? Thank you! If not, show me your please!

10 39

I was debating with myself whether I should sell some of my fusion tokens cheap to buy an and the decision was made, so there he is, say hello to the world!

7 37