Faye Nyxie ☄(Belias)さんのプロフィール画像

Faye Nyxie ☄(Belias)さんのイラストまとめ

FC: Spelunkers «Zz»
Bujo Enthusiast
Lalafell for life!
Copyright (C) 2010 - 2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

フォロー数:553 フォロワー数:333
# ffxiv

Its Bonfire Night in the UK!

Maybe next year I can celebrate a little bit with my little Lala...

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Crazy Gal: Family!
This is the first time I've drawn my baby!! I'm a proud Mummy who loves watching her grow and unlock every achievement!

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yup... worst day ever! Can I go hibernate for winter now?!?!?!

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皆さん、今日は大丈夫ですか???? 昨日で私は心配したので、今日も気を付けてください。

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Its 1st October... The Halloween countdown begins!
10月1日です。。。 ハロウィーンのカウントダウンは始まります!

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This is a big deal for me!! Its the firat time I have actually kept 2m gil!!! I tend to buy things when I have just over 1m gil lol. Hope I can save more.

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