🌈 ✨Rie✨🏳️‍🌈さんのプロフィール画像

🌈 ✨Rie✨🏳️‍🌈さんのイラストまとめ

Rieka/Rie I 32 I Libra/ISFP I A big old nerd ヽ(・∀・)ノ

フォロー数:832 フォロワー数:232

I haven't drawn in 1312241234 years but for my angel, anything!! Happy bday kaede!! ;______; <333

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actually drew this yesterday, but was waiting for today to post!! Love Ichigo my child cries

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AND THEN CAN'T FORGET THE OTHER BDAY GIRL!!! Happy bday Pinny, I hope you've been having a good birthday too!! ^ 7^ <3333 CUTE MEGU FOR CUTE BDAY GIRL!!!!

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HAPPY BDAY VIV!!! ^ 7^ I hope that you've been having a good day love!! I LOVE YOU LOTS OK!!!! <333333

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Loving that crayon tool!!! Also love cute siblings!!

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OK NOW REAL THING SORRY AIKO i forgot to add some things to the original lol

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Chibi I did of Sonia, I rly love her with this shorter hair! T 7T

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Another art trade I did too!!! Me @ my chibis: ?????

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I LOVE KANON!!!!!!! ryuu too by default because he is with such a wonderful girl!!! Mine and cute cute children!! 8 78 <333

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