

Some random guy that likes to draw stuff and... no yeah, that's pretty much it lol.


フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:111

gave me the okay to release these pics we worked on for .

He did most of the work, I just did the lineart and color.

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Doodled a random idea that popped in my head yesterday, also made an alt. for it too.

This counts as a self-burn, right?

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Ah while I'm at it, I might as well share this other doodle I made sometime ago. I mean come on Maya's part wolf, she freaking LOVES head pats.

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Been playing a crap ton of Ultimate Doom & Doom II lately (also a bit of Doom 64) and I felt like drawing this little doodle yesterday.

The screenshot's from one of my own playthroughs.

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For whatever reason I felt like drawing Kaitlyn...'s underwear.

"Why does everyone always stare at me?"

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I can't believe I've been uploading for a whole year already! Decided to remake the very first pic I ever uploaded, it was for a random that ended up being a really great friend, .

A lot can change in a year, huh?

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Tagged by:
Post 4 FEMALE fictional characters that mean the world to you, and then tag 5 other people to do the same.

Here's mine, I guess.

I'll tag in...

And that's it. Don't have many friends on here lol.

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Well... NY's gonna be under lockdown soon enough thanks to this damn virus. Figured I'd draw Kaitlyn really quick, get my mind off it, y'know. Been trying to draw pupils a different way too, whaddya think?

In all seriousness though, be safe you guys. This virus ain't a joke.

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Finally got that Arle sketch from late last year done. Had way more fun with this one than I thought I would've, honestly.

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Doodle from yesterday. I wanted to draw Kaitlyn in her old design, sort of like a throwback since I was feeling pretty nostalgic over the weekend. Made a few updates to the design, but tried to keep it true to the original.

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