Cubesona is on bluesky and NGさんのプロフィール画像

Cubesona is on bluesky and NGさんのイラストまとめ

Lead Artist for Hymn to the Earless God, with StarSeed games!


Hi, I draw with Paint Tool SAI 2.

フォロー数:1069 フォロワー数:47715 also check out my patreon, you get early access to my art and even exclusive stuff like D&D tokens.

8 51

Patreon Sketches for October part 1

156 1146

LRT, Knight Club + is an incredibly fun and fast-paced platform fighter (like Smash Brothers or Rivals or Aether). Please consider getting some friends together and buying it! it's $5 and has online multiplayer.

I'm doing art for the sequel, so please support Knight Club!

60 468

Guess I can finally post the starter I made for my server's Telephone game. I was the starter for Team Heaven, and started off Team Hell. Inknettl also organized the whole thing, so give HER the credit and praise she deserves.

51 603

September Patreon sketches part 2.

70 608

Patreon Sketches for September.

203 1469

Characters in the D&D campaign I run on saturdays for my friends and my gf.

128 988