

The dapper six-sided square. SaC: 'CubicCosmos' #ad #EpicPartner PFP: @Xcoolgameing Banner: @Basic_Bas 🌌³ 🐐…

フォロー数:358 フォロワー数:120

I kinda wanna get at least one of these, which one should I get?

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I get that red dot rifles are still a new concept for Fortnite and they aren't really sure how to balance them but DANG the Striker is getting old.

I really want to use the new Hammer AR, but it's horrible imo. I'm sick of the Striker being better then everything.

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Fortnite Season 3 trailer highlights (no spoilers)

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The most dangerous day for your ego is upon us, stay safe everyone.

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Gliders I need.

Imagine maining Dark Voyager for like 4 years and not having his glider.

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idk I just can't really consider him an updated version of the same person because he looks so different.

Like his hair isn't even in the same shape and the color is off.

I'd be fine if they HD-ified his original hair, so he was almost indistinguishable with the original.

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I consider these Jonsies two different people.
I also consider them to have different voices, with Agent Jones obviously being voiced by Troy Baker and STW Jonesy being voiced by Brian T. Delaney.

John Jones (Agent Jones) Jonesy (STW)

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I really like the STW-style holiday skins.

They look so cozy and chill (no pun intended)

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