

I draw here and there. 😗

|| Please don't repost my art without my permission. || 🙇‍♂️

フォロー数:724 フォロワー数:2238

Some Kanami for girl needs more love.~

83 620

It's gamers, and Tsubasa is gonna do her best with her training!

29 99

I wanted to draw Some Rise to make up for not doing one for the cutie's birthday, then like 3/4ths into the drawing I realized how much it looks like her in game portraits.

I lack the will to start over though so here's a portrait redraw then LOL.

108 571

Happy Birthday Akechi, ya lovable goofball. ❤️

35 171

Why did I put so much effort into this?? lol.

110 515

Baby blue boy and cutie pink girl~

70 291

May I offer you a smiling Fuuka in these troubling times?

183 667

Finally drew Hapi and she kinda looks like she's judging you for your anime profile picture. Lol

11 54

Finally got around to watching that mini direct, I hope Min Min or Twintelle get in. <:

19 88