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How are national identities expressed within the rich cultural heritage of the UK?
We will be exploring this question and more in our 2020 Annual Dialogue, next Thursday at 6pm. Register for free here: https://t.co/H79V2BvRTH #clDialogue
Join us on 5 November at 6pm for our 2020 Annual Dialogue, this year taking place virtually over Zoom. We will be examining the cultural bonds between the UK's four nations and the role of the #arts building #cohesion between them. Register for free here:
Maneesh Juneja was a speaker at our recent Digital Inclusion: Bridging Divides conference and has been interviewed about preparing for a post-pandemic future. The Digital Inclusion: Bridging Divides report is due out later this year #clDigitalInclusion
There is only one week left to apply for a PhD Student Travel Bursary to our upcoming Faith & Belief 2040: Fostering Social Cohesion conference. The #bursary supports #PhD students with the cost of travel in addition to meals and accommodation #PhDlife
Following it's popularity in January, Peter Symonds will be coming back on Monday to give a #talk on the first Georgians, looking at the fascinating #history around King George I and King George II. All proceeds from this event support our charitable work
Our 'Resilient Communities' conference takes place next week. The first session of the conference will see @radhikabynon @Farahelahi @nmcinroy and @GrapevineCEO discussing 'Collaborative Local Citizenship' #CLYFresilient
Find out more on our website: https://t.co/Ewd3gKALnQ
New community views report from @Innovation_Unit draws on experiences & ideas from 350 people in #GreaterManchester on tackling #gangs and violence affecting young people: https://t.co/bSQqctpTYh. The Innovation Unit will be represented at our #clGangs report launch in Jan 2020.
Tonight we are launching our 'Race in Britain: Inequality, Identity & Belonging' report. This is the culmination of 12-months of work and the launch will feature thoughts from @sundersays and @Zubhaque
Coming up on the 17th of October we have internationally renowned war artist @arabelladorman coming in for a #CumberlandConversation
Register for FREE on our website, which includes complimentary tea, coffee, and a glass of wine #CLconversations
This week we have two @WindsorFestival events at Cumberland Lodge. On Wednesday we have Simon Heffer speaking on his book "Staring at God: Britain in the Great War" and Thursday we have @newell_edmund talking about his book "The Sacramental Sea"