

フォロー数:488 フォロワー数:817

Bakery job has me working on stuff for ads and displays. Naturally, this means a cookie mouse is required.

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I was just gonna do a warm up sketch but then this happened instead..

4 14

Drawing all day, decide to finally call it a night and go to bed because actually tired... then keep drawing instead

2 11

Awful thing I made for .
Its exactly what it looks like. u3u
(let's see if I ever get free reign again >w>)

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Cranked this out as a warmup a few days ago. Forgot abt it til I was looking for something else x3

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Sitting outside doodling on my note, indulging in music, relaxing.. I call this "Look at all the fucks I give!"

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Corgillon character design up for sale! Auction ends Thursday, more info here >

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