

Jack of all trades, master of none
Dev of To Bring Back A Friend and BW&G

フォロー数:43 フォロワー数:44

Did I put too much effort into this? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes.

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*sits through 100 lines of dialogue only to realize I forgot to add "Fadein Screen" at then end*

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Male models/influencers in visual novels:

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Protip: Organize your tilesets. Because I went into it with little to no plan, and how it shows up in the editor now would make any self-respecting developer scream in terror xD Lesson learned, folks.

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This is what Maya's original reaction sprite was gonna be like, idk what I was on when I made it
Or what she was on for that matter...

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Hey, all of my characters finally have reaction sprites! So the gang's all here, don't mind this weirdly edited picture of them 😅

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Maybe I'm already going mad, so here you go. Twitter, say hi to Covid-chan! If you don't keep the hygiene rules, she will kick you down a flight of stairs.

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You are you, and nobody has a right to question that fact.

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Here's a little winter scetch I did a while ago

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Real bros let you paint their face like your suspicious skull collection 💀🖌️

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