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@thecarfactoids @neilmbriscoe @t2stu @DarraghMcKenna @TopOfTheTower @StvCr I always liked the Mk1😍
Hi all, last one for a while. 'Which noughties rag/tintop would you choose?' #fordstreetka #peugeot206cc #peugeot307cc #renaultmeganecc
Hi all, 'Which Astra Ragtop would you choose?' #vauxhallastra #vauxhallastracabriolet #vauxhallastragte #vauxhallastramk2 #vauxhallastramk3 #vauxhallastramk4
Hi all, 'Which Austin ragtop would you choose?' #austina90atlantic #austina40sports #austina40somerset #austin1500metropolitan
Hi all, 'Which generation Hillman Minx Ragtop would you choose? #rootesgroup #hillmancars #hillmanminx #hillmanminxdrophead #hillmanminxconvertible #hillmansuperminxconvertible
Hi all, 'Which generation Morris Minor Tourer would you choose?' #morrisminor #morrisminortourer #morrisminormm #morrisminorseries2 #morrisminor100
Hi all, 'Which Beetle ragtop would you choose?' #vwcars #vwbeetle #vwbeetlecabriolet #vwnewbeetle #vwnewbeetlecabriolet
Hi all, Another 'Which Ragtop would you choose?' This time it's 'Which French ragtop would you choose?' #citroenvisacabriolet #peugeot205cti #renault19cabriolet #talbotsambacabriolet
Hi all, as i'm not drawing today & as a nod to this blast furnace we're currently living in I thought I'd do Which ragtop would you choose? First up, Ford Escort.#fordescort #fordescortcabriolet #fordescortxr3i #fordescortmk3 #fordescortmk4 #fordescortmk5 #fordescortmk5facelift