

フォロー数:277 フォロワー数:430

Every time I buy a I tell myself "This is the last one"..and then I discover something totally new that the Qurikies ecosystem has to offer...The beard trait has become so iconic within the community that I had to grab this one...thanks 🦘🦘🦘

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The anticipation of Questing (staking) has me even more excited for the future of . Been working with over the last few days to continue to build my collection (lings not posted). , I'm definitely paying attention.

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My fondness for the continues strong. I love vision and the conviction of the Community and the man himself
Picked up these 4 from the floor and brought them home !!
Let's GO 🚀🚀🚀🚀

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Today is a Special Sunday in Quirksville. The Energy, Optimism and Future plans are all coming together. Nothing but brightness ahead.
I want to thank for trusting me w this trade and adding to my 1-1 lings. 🚀🚀🚀

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Heroes perform selfless acts without any expectation for recognition. has helped many in this space. Today he helped me, in a way I didn’t expect. Papiii you're paving the road for others to follow. Appreciate your humbleness and gratitude. Go Quirks

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