

Huntress Wizard Scholar | I retweet a lot | I like AT, BPC, TOH, TDP, SCI and more! Private: @CutiePtoodie Profile Pic: @ASnowflakeOwl…

フォロー数:543 フォロワー数:2317

And of course, how could I not talk about this iconic moment. Probably one of her (many) best lines lmao

0 12

What is up with Seventeen and having a ton of just ADORABLE Huntress Wizard moments? Like this episode isn't even that good but HW is just so fucking cute throughout the whole thing

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owltwit found this stupid joke and now it's blowing up

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Character development.

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You lose points for making me cry

0 13

no im going to throw them into a volcano they are cursed relics

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laura i am this 🤏close to chopping your legs off

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