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フォロー数:301 フォロワー数:21634

ceo mindset advised
streaming, [ cruelty squad ]

3 42

Don't you want to create a nuclear wasteland with me?
stream, [ fallout new vegas ]

4 70

let us investigate some mysteries
stream, [ observer ]

2 20

Today is the day of spawning a celebration of the ages, you might ask how does one contribute to such a joyous era in time? Easy, by streaming slightly longer than normal. art by @/Caiman_Pool ( we love her we do )

10 68

Im going to bed if i dare pat my head.

0 39

Gn twitterverse

0 61

bundle up on this warm summer day, stream
[ age of empires 2 ]

4 30

we do be around some ebil, stream [ amid evil ]

3 56

This make shock you, maybr even distrurb you.. but im taking a shower today.

0 40

silver is one of the nicest person-people ive met, and anyone would be based to have her as a friend

1 13