

22 year old dude

フォロー数:425 フォロワー数:68615

not my proudest work but whatever

841 5701

shurara in general is my absolute favorite design !

0 6

now there's only Dark Cider ..

166 1336

People say Reverse flash or Eddie brock are the biggest haters but i never see anyone bring up how big of a hater Clockwerk is
dude hated the Coopers so much so that he discovered IMMORTALITY and used it to stalk and terrorize a family for generations

239 1083

these guys in one room ,what would they talk about ?

207 2027

I don't wanna annoy you guys too much with Willburt stuff so instead I'll give you the important lore about him in this post .
What your seeing here is his finalized/perfect body that's a replica of his original one that he transfers his mind & soul in 1/?

15 205

for those wondering how he ended up like that,
basically he has these robots he named Willbots that attached themselves to his damaged battle state and lets say they ,,upgraded " him and healed em for the rest of the fight

17 152