

sorry i might be a little chungy in the brain.

Profile picture made by the lovely @MityFresh check 'em out

フォロー数:1188 フォロワー数:246

Emmy, don't worry! I'll get you an authorization code.. Just don't tell the government

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hmm i'm not a scientologuru but it sounds like you might be onto something there.. left hemisphere is the creative one right? so i guess?

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Shedinja is genuinely one of my favorite Pokémon

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a doodle of a Lambeosaurus

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I don't have a proper portfolio but here is my old Tumblr https://t.co/PQBeIK2EEQ
Would love to work on LANCER!
And I guess since it seems like you wanted diversity: I'm trans female with Arabic and Finnish heritage.

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Tagged me in a thingy.. i'm supose to tag 4 friends and post 4 pics of games that makes me happy... so here we go

(it took way to long to figure out any game that makes me happy)

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